Community Engagement

Community Meetings

This page provides information about upcoming and past public meetings.

On July 14, 2022, EDF Renewables held an open house regarding the proposed Rich Road Solar and Storage Project in the Town of Canton, St Lawrence County, New York. Click on the below links for further information.

July 14, 2022 Public Meeting
Meeting Announcement
Meeting Presentation
Display Boards
Rich Road Open House Postcard
Rich Road Open House Ad Watertown Daily Times
Rich Road Open House North Country This Week
Rich Road Open House Ogdensburg Journal

 July 22, 2021 Open House
Display Boards
Rich Road Solar Open House


Community Webinar

EDF Renewables' Rich Road Solar and Storage team provided a community webinar update on Tuesday, June 6, 2023, at 6:30 pm. You can view the webinar at any time. Zoom will ask that you register to view the video. Once registered you will be able to view the full video. Your registration information will not be used for any promotional purposes or unsolicited outreach.

Rich Road Community Webinar Invitation

View the Community Webinar

View the Community Webinar Presentation